Friday 24 July 2015

Experimenting with Different Materials, Sampler 1

This section of the folder has asked me to try a more experimental, freer way of weaving, and though I am usually quite an inhibited person, who likes to plan things out in advance (and am often too eager to cling to rules and restrictions), I've given it a try. I thought a good way to pick my materials was to begin with a nice warp - this one is a thick yarn with metallic elements, and a colour progression from blue-purple to turquoise. Then I would loosely theme my different weft materials into see through, metallic or sheer. I've got quite a selection - from the left, we've got tin foil, folded into weaveable strips, wire, PVC strands of 'scoubidou', bubblewrap, clingfilm, strips of a plastic tablecloth, and some twisted clingfilm in more complicated stitches, as it worked the best! As I was working this sampler, I had a good idea for a larger one - see my next post for more details.

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