Wednesday 5 November 2014

Some Extra-Curricular Projects, Part Two, a Makeshift Loom.

Recently I caught a terrific bargain on eBay - some (mostly complete) tapestry frames, about 27" square. At first, I wasn't too sure what to use them for, and bought them because I thought they'd "come in handy". Then I came across a title that interested me at the local second-hand bookshop; the cheesily-covered (a very dated design outside, nicely illustrated within), but genuinely helpful "The Open Canvas" by Carolyn Ambuter. Of course, I'd seen 'openwork' before, but here was a lengthy book on pure technique. I decided these techniques (and there are a good few hundred just in this book) would be a good project. Accordingly I took some of the huge balls of Aran wool that a kind friend recently passed on to me, and began to sew a makeshift loom into the twill tape at either end of the frame. Next I'll need to figure out how to make an extra-wide shuttle to pass the wool through!

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