Recently, I bought a pattern for a fine christening shawl. I've been knitting away at it on and off for a while, using much larger than recommended equipment. Today, I finished it. You'll notice that it has no centre, and that the petal of the central flower at the top has a column of loose threads in it. That's deliberate. I modified the (twisting) pattern, so as to leave a row of extra long, unknitted threads that I could later cut down after stitching the piece down onto the black velvet you see here. Then it could be opened out and - wow! A circular cape! In this photo, I've pinned the piece to the heavy velvet. I couldn't get any velvet wide enough for the job, so did some neat seaming and joined two 54" x 80" pieces together. You'll see the dinner plate for scale in the centre of the knitting.
I'm going to leave it tacked down (attached through the velvet to my bedroom carpet!) for a couple of days, then cut it out.
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