Monday 5 May 2014

Sampler Showing Stitches that Create Texture.

 For the section, Stitches that Create Texture, I did this sampler on a large frame. I started at the lower part of the frame, with the dark green blocks. I later moved on from the stitches mentioned in the folder to others I had picked up from books and tutorials. For the full list of stitches, see the incredibly gaudy colour-coded key that I made to ensure no mistakes!

Key list:
1 - Straight / Stroke stitch.
2 - Detached Buttonhole
3 - Casalguidi - learnt from the lovely tutorial over at Needle 'N Thread.
4 - Plaited Braid stitch
5 - Japanese Darning
6 - French Knots and 'Drizzle Stitch', a cross between French knots and bullion stitch, found here.
7 - Woven Circle
8 - Bullion Knots
9 - Ribbed Circle
10 - Pekinese stitch
11 - Star Filling stitch
12 - Blocked Straight stitches
13 - Double Buttonhole Bars
14 - Large Layered Over-stitching
15 - Plate stitch
16 - Passed Satin stitch
17 - Couched Spiral
18 - Decorated Couched Filling stitch
19 - Ceylon (Knitted) stitch
20 - Shaded Cubes
21 - Layered Grass Effect
22 - Shaded Chevrons
23 - Raised Chain stitch
24 - Couching Practice
25 - 3D Japanese 'novel' Latticework
26 - Blocked Straight stitches
27 - Shaded and Woven Straight stitches

A few close ups of my favourite effects: Braided Chain Stitch, Ceylon Stitch, Detached Buttonhole, and Casalguidi.

Also a woven stitch that came about as I was doodling - it probably has an official name, but as I didn't take it from a tutorial, I'll just call it woven!

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