Saturday 31 May 2014

Japanese Filling Stars

Here is an extra sampler I made after the section's official samplers were done. This is my smallest embroidery frame, and I've covered it in a star filling (officially titled asanoha-gake) from my book, 'The Techniques of Japanese Embroidery', by Shuji Tamura. It's a pretty complex pattern, with five stages in it's execution. The only trouble with it, now that I've taken the picture, and taken it off the frame, is that it is very delicate, and without arrow-straight lines, it looks odd. As an element of a wall-hanging, a screen, or something similar, I think I could get it to stay as it was. However, as part of a free-standing sampler, or a costume, I'd need to ask for some quite specialist knowledge as to how to get it to stay so nicely geometric. Then again, perhaps I've rushed into this sampler - if I repeated the pattern smaller, it might not show up quite so much if the threads were a little relaxed. I doubt that spray starch would be a great deal of fun so use on the real silk I would have to use if I bought the proper materials for Japanese stitches like this, so it might be worth asking people who know how to keep these threads taut.

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