Thursday 24 September 2015

Costuming Update.

Something I've been working on for a long time - I showed earlier stages of construction on this very blog - is nearing completion. I was so invigorated by my efforts with the jacket a couple of posts back, that I found myself going out and buying some very expensive fur fabric to finish the edge of this cape. As you can see, it's also got an insert to shape the shoulders and neck - the few days of draping classes I did were invaluable for working out the pattern pieces for this. Around the top is a knitted ruffle to soften the transition from the plain knitted edge to the solid colour fabric. This was plenty of fun to make, and very simple - I knitted two, and knitted them together on almost the last row. I made a little too much, and ruffled it up more than I had expected! The next thing on my list is to use a nice satin bedspread I found in a charity shop and make the lining - I expect I'll do it the same way as cutting the velveteen - two large semi-circles. And, of course, my custom made pattern pieces for the neck!

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